Increasing Risk of Dirty Bomb Threats

These are difficult times, especially in the war torn areas of #Ukraine. In the past several weeks, battlefield weapons have been unleashed not just on the peaceful Ukrainian defense forces, but on their cities and civilians. We have seen a fueled and functioning nuclear power plant shelled by artillery and rockets, a nuclear research center pillaged, and the site of the worst nuclear disaster become a war zone. Now we find that more than a hundred radioactive sources may have been stolen as the Russian army withdrew. These stories and the potential for additional radiological hazards increase our worry. Indeed, in an April 2022 report, the U.S. Government Accounting Office states, "The risks of a dirty bomb attack are increasing and the consequences could be devastating."

Is there anything we can do to protect our families? Our communities? Our towns and cities?

Civil defense starts with knowledge. If there is a radiological or nuclear incident, knowing where there is danger is critically important. GammaPix™ apps give you radiological awareness using your unmodified smartphone.

We may not know what happens next, but you can download Image Insight Inc.’s free smartphone App, called GammaPix Lite™, which enables unmodified devices to detect gamma radiation anytime and anywhere to protect people and places all the time.

We have temporarily reduced the price of the full Android and iOS versions by more than 50%. They can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play Stores:


Organizations interested in deploying GammaPix Pro™ may contact us at